Pest Removal

What Attracts Cockroaches in Your Home?

What Attracts Cockroaches To Your Home?

Cockroaches are some of the most unsightly and dangerous pests to inhabit your home. However, I’ve found that many people who have cockroaches in their homes have no idea what attracted the roaches in the first place. And when you don’t know what is attracting pests to your home, you’ll have a harder time ever getting rid of them. So, what attracts cockroaches to your home? Crumbs, dirty dishes, and

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What to do Before and After Pro Pest Control?

What to do Before and After Pro Pest Control? (Checklist Included!)

Your pest infestation has grown beyond control, and now you have decided that it is time to hire a professional exterminator to perform services in your home. However, maybe you have never hired a professional pest control technician before, and you have a lot of questions about the process. Or perhaps you have had an exterminator in your home before, but you’d like to make sure that you are covering

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How to Check for Bed Bugs: A Complete Guide

How to Check for Bed Bugs: A Complete Guide

Millions of homes are regularly infested with bed bugs. And if hearing that scares you, maybe you have been worried that you are one of those homes. Bed bugs can be costly to get rid of, and they can spread quickly to other homes. The sooner you find out whether you have them or not, the sooner you can get rid of them. And if you get rid of them

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How to Get Rid of Spiders Without Killing Them?

How to Get Rid of Spiders Without Killing Them? 14 effective methods

Spiders can be a nuisance to any household. Sure, they have some excellent characteristics that they possess and can even help with insect control in the home, but for the most part, we don’t enjoy seeing them roaming around our floors, counters or window sills. We also don’t necessarily want to go on a frenzy killing spiders off every opportunity we get for several reasons. Ideally, finding a way to

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How To Get Rid of Lice? A Complete Guide

How To Get Rid of Lice? A Complete Guide

When we think of summer, we get excited about all the family trips we have planned and even those lazy days on the porch sipping a glass of freshly squeezed lemonade. One thing that may not have crossed your mind is lice. Although they are present all year round, the peak season for them to start infesting people usually occurs during the summer which is why it’s best to take

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7 Reasons Why Do Lizards Keep Coming In My House?

7 Reasons Why Lizards Keep Coming In My House

Depending on where you live, you may be facing a major problem with lizards invading your home. Many people are afraid of lizards, and worry about being bitten by one. This is because many people falsely believe all lizards are venomous. While most don’t have a deadly bite, there are still a lot of reasons why you don’t want to share your home with these little guys. Why do lizards

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Are Bed Bug Traps Effective?

Are Bed Bug Traps Effective? A helpful guide

When you are dealing with a bed bug infestation, a trap may seem like the easiest solution. Placing traps is an affordable option, but may not always solve your problem. So, are bed bug traps effective? Most traps are ineffective at getting rid of bed bugs. Live traps are typically only effective for mild bed bug infestations. Traps are unlikely to capture all the adult bugs and unable to collect

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How to prepare for exterminator for bed bugs?

How to prepare for exterminator for bed bugs?

Of all the pests that plague human beings, bed bugs tend to cause the most horror. After all, we’re talking about an insect that lives in your mattress and sucks your blood while you sleep. The creep factor increases when you realize you can pick them up from just about anywhere, and they spread quickly, too. It’s no wonder that people want to get rid of them as fast as

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How Does Pest Control Get Rid of Bed Bugs?

How Does Pest Control Get Rid of Bed Bugs?

Getting rid of bed bugs can be one of the hardest pests to control. You may think it would be as easy as applying pesticides to the infested area or throwing away objects that serve as their home, but it isn’t that simple. In almost all cases, hiring a professional will be the best option. So, how does pest control get rid of bed bugs? Pest Control Professionals follow a

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How do you get rid of maggots? Can Pest Control Get Rid of Maggots?

How do you get rid of maggots? Can Pest Control Get Rid of Maggots?

Flies rapidly reproduce during hot weather which is probably why maggots would be an issue during these times. When they come in large numbers they start to become a problem, and may even cause infestation of live tissues which is dangerous to humans and animals within the vicinity. So, how do you get rid of maggots and can pest control get rid of maggots? Peroxide in boiling water, dish soap

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Does Ant Killer Kill Wasps?

Does Ant Killer Kill Wasps?

Wasps are generally considered as pests especially when they are in large numbers. The majority of wasp types do not have an active role in pollination due to their lack of pollen-carrying structures, however some species have been quite useful as a biological pest control. But because of their aggressive nature and painful, sometimes fatal stings, the presence of wasps have been treated with a lot of negativity. So, does

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