Pest Repellents

Does TerraShield really repel bees?

So, does TerraShield really repel bees? Yes, it does. It is a blend of effective essential oils that can help you ward off bees and other disturbing insects. TerraShield is made of natural ingredients, so it doesn’t harm the bees or intoxicate humans. It simply provides you an outdoor solution that keeps the bees away all through your adventure.

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How Do You Keep Birds Away From Your House and Garden?

How Do You Keep Birds Away From Your House and Garden?

There are many ways to repel birds including the use of homemade sprays, commercially-made sprays, visual repellents, shiny objects, and obstacles. How do you keep birds away? Placing objects that distract or scare the birds are some of the most effective solutions. Setting up a predator decoy near your garden should keep birds from perching or nesting in the area. Preventing access to your garden and fruit-bearing trees with a

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pigeon on fence with text "how to stop birds from landing on your fence and roof?"

How to Stop Birds From Landing on Your Fence and Roof?

Birds landing on your fence and roof can be a massive nuisance, especially when they start pooping everywhere. Their droppings look obscene and can carry parasites. Birds make a lot of noise throughout the day and especially in the early morning while you are trying to sleep. Every day, I get emails from desperate homeowners who feel like they have no idea how to get birds to leave their homes

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mouse covering face with text "10 Ways To Keep Mice Off The Bed"

10 Ways to Keep Mice Off the Bed

If you’ve ever taken a subway in New York, you’ve probably seen mice and rats lurking around the subway tracks and ignored them. But when it comes to seeing mice in your home – or on your bed – that changes things. These cute-looking creatures are dangerous and can carry diseases. So, it’s important to keep them away from your bed, room, and home. Here are 10 ways to keep

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picture of mouse with text "Do Ultrasonic Mouse Repellers Affect Cats, Dogs & Other Pets?"

Do Ultrasonic Mouse Repellers Affect Cats, Dogs & Other Pets?

People who are thinking of using ultrasonic mouse repellers may wonder if it will affect their cats, dogs, and other pets. These electronic devices are designed to repel rodents by emitting high-pitched noises that such pests would find disagreeable. However, most pets can also hear sounds that are too high for human ears and they may be impacted by these ultrasonic repellents as much as the unwanted rodents. So, do

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Cockroach on concrete with text "Do cockroach gel Baits Work?

Do Cockroach Gel Baits Work?

I have always had an issue with bugs whether they are spiders, silverfish, and the most disgusting of them all cockroaches. From the kitchen to the bathroom, no matter how many are killed, they just keep coming back. So, I started looking for solutions other than a bug spray.  Do cockroach gel baits work? Yes, as long as you know what kind of cockroaches you have and buy a gel

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How (And Why) Bed Bugs Can Come Back After Treatment

Bed bugs can come back even after an infestation has been professionally treated. In fact, one pregnant female bed bug left behind can result in a re-infestation of 300 adults and 1,000 new eggs in just three months. Though bed bugs aren’t known to spread any disease, even a rumor of their presence can cause a public health crisis and a swift economic downturn for a business or establishment. So,

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picture of fire ant with text: do ants keep cockroaches away?

Do Ants Keep Cockroaches Away?

A friend once told me that if you have cockroaches in your house, some strategically placed ants could help get rid of them. I thought that was really interesting, so I decided to do a little bit of research. So, do ants keep cockroaches away? For the most part, no ants do not keep cockroaches away. There are ants that can feel threatened by them and get rid of roaches

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