Save money and keep your pests under control by using our pest removal advice.

When you discover a pest in your wonderful home, you'll likely freak out. It's a nerve-racking event!

Don't worry, though! We are here for you in these hard times.

We know that such problems have to be handled as quickly as possible so that it won't become more severe.

A lot of people will try DIY solutions first. While this may be good for simple pest problems,

It Sometimes Is The Best To Hire a Pro

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cat rubbing head against dog's head with text "Do bed bug traps work for fleas?"

Do Bed Bug Traps Work for Fleas?

Some people try to use bed bug traps to treat a flea infestation, but it’s a bad idea. While they’re both small and incredibly annoying pests to have in the home, bed bugs and fleas must be treated in completely different ways.  Bed bug traps don’t work for fleas because fleas can hop out of

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Squirrel on fence with text "How to get Rid of squirrels in the attic?"

How to Get Rid of Squirrels in the Attic?

If you’ve ever had squirrels eat through your garage roof and chew through your belongings, you know how much damage they can do – and how long it takes to get rid of them. If they’re around long enough to nest, it can be a real problem. It’s best to evict them as soon as

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mouse covering face with text "10 Ways To Keep Mice Off The Bed"

10 Ways to Keep Mice Off the Bed

If you’ve ever taken a subway in New York, you’ve probably seen mice and rats lurking around the subway tracks and ignored them. But when it comes to seeing mice in your home – or on your bed – that changes things. These cute-looking creatures are dangerous and can carry diseases. So, it’s important to

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Cockroach on concrete with text "Do cockroach gel Baits Work?

Do Cockroach Gel Baits Work?

I have always had an issue with bugs whether they are spiders, silverfish, and the most disgusting of them all cockroaches. From the kitchen to the bathroom, no matter how many are killed, they just keep coming back. So, I started looking for solutions other than a bug spray.  Do cockroach gel baits work? Yes,

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How (And Why) Bed Bugs Can Come Back After Treatment

Bed bugs can come back even after an infestation has been professionally treated. In fact, one pregnant female bed bug left behind can result in a re-infestation of 300 adults and 1,000 new eggs in just three months. Though bed bugs aren’t known to spread any disease, even a rumor of their presence can cause

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caterpillar on stem with words displayed: 3 Pros & Cons are caterpillars beneficial

Are Caterpillars Beneficial Or Not? 3 Pros And 3 Cons

Many people wonder whether caterpillars are beneficial or not. It’s hard to imagine anyone categorizing such a seemingly docile creature as harmful. Yet caterpillars can cause serious damage to vegetation, particularly for gardeners and farmers. Though many of them become beautiful butterflies, they can create ugly situations before the transition. So, are caterpillars beneficial or

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cute jumping spider with text Understanding Spiders 8 myths vs 8 facts

Understanding Spiders: 8 Myths VS 8 Facts

From Daddy Long Legs to the Black Widows, there are such a wide variety of spiders in our world, but only a tiny fraction of them are dangerous to us. I want to try to separate fact from fiction in the spider world and help you learn to appreciate them just a bit better since

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picture of fire ant with text: do ants keep cockroaches away?

Do Ants Keep Cockroaches Away?

A friend once told me that if you have cockroaches in your house, some strategically placed ants could help get rid of them. I thought that was really interesting, so I decided to do a little bit of research. So, do ants keep cockroaches away? For the most part, no ants do not keep cockroaches

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What Attracts Cockroaches in Your Home?

What Attracts Cockroaches To Your Home?

Cockroaches are some of the most unsightly and dangerous pests to inhabit your home. However, I’ve found that many people who have cockroaches in their homes have no idea what attracted the roaches in the first place. And when you don’t know what is attracting pests to your home, you’ll have a harder time ever

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