Does Ant Killer Kill Wasps?

Does Ant Killer Kill Wasps?

Wasps are generally considered as pests especially when they are in large numbers. The majority of wasp types do not have an active role in pollination due to their lack of pollen-carrying structures, however some species have been quite useful as a biological pest control. But because of their aggressive nature and painful, sometimes fatal stings, the presence of wasps have been treated with a lot of negativity. So, does

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Does Rubbing Alcohol Repel Insects?

Does Rubbing Alcohol Repel Insects?

If you have pets and small children, you probably have concerns that insecticides and repellents with strong chemicals can be quite dangerous to use. Although rubbing alcohol cannot be ingested, it is quite safe to use around the home and around your children. So, does rubbing alcohol repel insects? Yes, rubbing alcohol can repel certain insects. It is quite effective in killing insects too. By using alcohol around your home,

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Do Rodent Repellent Granules Work?

Do Rodent Repellent Granules Work?

Rodents can be the most frustrating kind of pests to deal with. Aside from the possibility of contracting diseases from them, they are quite destructive. At any point that you may feel rodents are in or around your house, you would need to take immediate action before they start infesting your home. So, do rodent repellent granules work? Repellent granules are used to steer away rodents from a specific space.

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Will Ant Spray Kill Termites?

Will Ant Spray Kill Termites?

Insects can be quite a burden, especially in large numbers. One of the worst insects to have in your home are termites. They can be extremely dangerous if you consider the extent of damage they can do. They are hardly noticeable and come without warning. So, will ant spray kill termites? Termites and ants are not from the same family, but their anatomical structures are quite similar. Having said so,

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Are Dust Mites Visible to the Naked Eye?

Are Dust Mites Visible to the Naked Eye?

The thought of having millions of microscopic bugs living in your pillow and eating your hair, dead skin, and dander while you are sleeping can definitely cause anxiety. Dust mites are common in a home and do not pose an immediate threat to humans. In this article, you are going to learn more about dust mites and their origins, as well as how to detect and control their population. So,

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What attracts stink bugs to your house and how to kill them?

What attracts stink bugs / 9 ways to kill stink bugs

Stink bugs are large, oval or shield-shaped insects. They are members of the insect order Hemiptera and the family Pentatomidae. They get their common name from the odor of the chemicals that they produce in glands on their abdomen. Scientists suspect this odor might be a defense against predators. Now the main question, what attracts stink bugs to your house? Main reasons why stink bugs are attracted to your home

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Do Humane Mole Traps Work?

Do Humane Mole Traps Work?

It is, indeed, a bummer to wake up to your garden defaced by strange ridges dug up by moles overnight, and it takes first-hand experience to know how much resilience it takes to want to deal with them humanely. However, before you take any action, you really want to know if humane mole traps work. So, do humane mole traps work? Yes, humane mole traps work. They have been used

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Do Ultrasonic Pest Repellents Work?

Do Ultrasonic Pest Repellents Work? An honest review

There are tons of ultrasonic repellents that promise to keep pests out of your properties. Since I was a bit skeptical about these promises, I did some research to figure out whether or not they’re true. So, do ultrasonic pest repellents work? According to studies, commercial ultrasonic repellents are mostly inefficient or tend to have a short impact on pests. Since the manufacturers have not been able to provide scientific evidence

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Does Insect Repellent Expire?

Does Insect Repellent Expire?

This summer we had lots of insects in our garden, so I decided to use insect repellent to get rid of them. I went to the garage to see if we had something from the previous season. I found a bottle, but I didn’t know how long it had been there, and the expiration date was unreadable. Needless to say, I was a bit hesitant, so I did some research

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Can Pest Control Get Rid Of Snakes?

Can Pest Control Get Rid Of Snakes?

Snakes… they have been the ruin of the human race since time immemorial. How did this come into being? Well, snakes have learned that by living closer to humans they have an abundant food source. While some species of snake are harmless, their presence is a source of fear, and venomous species are deadly. Snakes can also indirectly harm us by living in such proximity that it gives them the

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