What Causes Moths In The House?
Do you want to avoid a moth infestation of your cabinets and closets? Or do you want to prevent a new one? Find out why moths are attracted to your home!
Save money and keep your pests under control by using our pest removal advice.
When you discover a pest in your wonderful home, you'll likely freak out. It's a nerve-racking event!
We know that such problems have to be handled as quickly as possible so that it won't become more severe.
A lot of people will try DIY solutions first. While this may be good for simple pest problems,
Do you want to avoid a moth infestation of your cabinets and closets? Or do you want to prevent a new one? Find out why moths are attracted to your home!
The last thing you want to deal with is a severe infestation of your car. Find out how you can fumigate your car to get rid of those pests quickly!
Do you want to know if the rain will wash away the pesticides or will it still be effective to spray in the rain? Learn to pest control even when it rains here!
You might enjoy having birds around your property if you are a nature lover. But there’s a huge difference between hummingbirds flying around and pest birds building nests on and around your house.
Once temperatures begin to drop, stink bugs hunt for warmer spots. If there’s a way into your car, they’ll find it! Learn how to remove these stinky pests from your car!
When you consider the perfect pest control partner in your garden, you tend to think of many different critters. You likely wouldn’t even consider lizards.
So, does TerraShield really repel bees? Yes, it does. It is a blend of effective essential oils that can help you ward off bees and other disturbing insects. TerraShield is made of natural ingredients, so it doesn’t harm the bees or intoxicate humans. It simply provides you an outdoor solution that keeps the bees away all through your adventure.
Fleas are extremely common amongst households with pets. They enter the household through your pets and nest all around the house, including on you! While DIY remedies exist, the best option to truly rid your house of fleas is to call an exterminator. But how long until after the exterminator do the fleas die? Well,
Snails and slugs are fascinating to learn about in a biology class or interesting to observe from afar. Put them in your garden though, and they become more of an annoying nuisance than a fun and unique creature. To help you deal with them accordingly, here are 17 different helpful ways to get rid of
There are many ways to repel birds including the use of homemade sprays, commercially-made sprays, visual repellents, shiny objects, and obstacles. How do you keep birds away? Placing objects that distract or scare the birds are some of the most effective solutions. Setting up a predator decoy near your garden should keep birds from perching
Birds landing on your fence and roof can be a massive nuisance, especially when they start pooping everywhere. Their droppings look obscene and can carry parasites. Birds make a lot of noise throughout the day and especially in the early morning while you are trying to sleep. Every day, I get emails from desperate homeowners
Ever wondered why dealing with ant bait is somehow worse than dealing with the ants? Me, too! When I noticed that I had a small ant problem in my house, I decided to take care of it myself. Before I bought anything, I wanted to be sure if ant bait was toxic or not so